Monday, December 3, 2007

Grendel's Mother's Entry

A Note from Hell-After my Death….I am Grendel’s Mother

The warriors judged me from the outside saying that I was a horrible, ugly monster. The truth is they did not even know me until my son was murdered. I was just a mother mourning the loss of her son. What would you do if your son was killed in cold blood? I wanted revenge.

I think that while my actions may have been cruel, they were justified. I went to the mead hall when the monsters were sleeping. As they awoke they came rushing at me with swords, I grabbed one warrior and run out of the hall. I do no want to be harmed in any way. I notice my beloved sons arm hanging on the wall. The anger and rage burned inside me. I grabbed Grendel’s arm and the warrior as my prisoner and fleed out of the hall. I killed the warrior that I have taken.

I am still so angry; I can’t seem to grasp the fact that I will never see my son again. While I was grieving at the bottom of my lake, I sensed someone approaching me. I grabbed the warrior, and tried to crush him in my hands but he was wearing some type of protective armor that does not allow me to crush him. I think to myself, what do I do now?? I try to fight him but I see a pointy long tool coming at me. As soon as this hits my skin everything turns black. That was the end of my life. Now I sit in the flames of hell, praying that someone will eventually take the life of Beowulf, the warrior who killed me and my son in cold blood.

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